Halil Yılmaz Machinery is a pioneer enterprise with many achievements, especially in establishing LIME Manufacturing Plants both in Turkey and in the world.
Established Halil Yilmaz Machinery in 1991 became one of the referential names in the Turkish lime industry.
Halil Yilmaz Machinery’s vision is to become a solution partner bringing reliability and high quality together into the fields it operates.
Our mission is to become one of the leading companies that would contribute to the development of steel and mining industries for engineering, design, supply, manufacturing, installation and commissioning services of industrial plants, in addition to the consumption of lime.
At the headquarters of Halil Yilmaz Machinery, the staff is comprised of experienced engineers, construction draftsmen, technicians, installation supervisors, production labourers and administrative personnel.
Halil Yilmaz Machinery is a company with respect for individuals, their health, the environment and society. Having met certain quality goals, we achieved ISO 9001:2008 certification which is regarded as the International Standard for Quality Management Systems.